Helen Norton New Website

Hooray! We have finally launched our new website. It is loaded with lots of interesting information not shared before. There's a new blog, huge press section, videos, massive archive of previous exhibitions going back to the very beginning of my career and many other tiddy bits which may be of interest (especially for art students). Shown below are some of the areas we have included in the new website. And we are kicking off our website launch with a sale! See below for details. I hope you enjoy the changes! Please feel free to provide feedback to us about your thoughts.
Wishing you a creative and fruitful 2017
Helen Norton
Wishing you a creative and fruitful 2017
Helen Norton
Paintings For Sale
Original paintings for sale can now be viewed by type (abstract, narrative, small, historical etc) or you can just look at all of them at once in no particular order.
Original paintings for sale can now be viewed by type (abstract, narrative, small, historical etc) or you can just look at all of them at once in no particular order.
Summer Sale
We are clearing out a very limited number of stretched Limited Editions on canvas (ready to hang) to make room in our stockroom. There are huge discounts of up to 50%. First in first served.
We are clearing out a very limited number of stretched Limited Editions on canvas (ready to hang) to make room in our stockroom. There are huge discounts of up to 50%. First in first served.

Shopping For Affordable Art?
Nice new web SHOP where you can see what you are buying more clearly. You can now see your prints in their finished form, be it - framed, stretched or unframed and select just how you want it. Shipping is now free for orders over $200.

Past Shows
Past Exhibitions - There is a huge body of work here going back 30 years. Most of these exhibitions have never been posted online. Helen's collectors might enjoy finding their work. It might take you a while to browse. Our newsletters will feature a 'flashback' each month to a particular body of work and what it was about.

The News
A truckload of press articles, news and clippings from 30 years of Helen's career. We will not give you a test to see if you read them all ... promise.

Helen's Studios
A glimpse into how Helen gets her inspiration from a sense of place. Shown here is a shot from a studio set up in Dynnryne in Hobart this year where she spent a fabulous 8 weeks looking after a wonderful couples home and their little dog. See more studios here.

'Melbourne Housewife' Video Part 2
See part 2 of the video, and here for part 1 if you missed it.
Flash Back Exhibition Featured
Bye Bye Sunfly - (painted in 2000)
Helen painted this series of work after having an interesting conversation with her accountant about his trip to Fitzroy Crossing (in the North of West Australia) - under instruction by the Australian Tax Department - to get all the local residents (Aboriginal) 'on the books'. The story evoked some interesting ideas for Helen about how some cultures view compliance more importantly than others.
Bye Bye Sunfly - (painted in 2000)
Helen painted this series of work after having an interesting conversation with her accountant about his trip to Fitzroy Crossing (in the North of West Australia) - under instruction by the Australian Tax Department - to get all the local residents (Aboriginal) 'on the books'. The story evoked some interesting ideas for Helen about how some cultures view compliance more importantly than others.
"Hope you enjoy the new website"
- Helen Norton
Copyright © 2017 Helen Norton Art, All rights reserved.
- Helen Norton
Copyright © 2017 Helen Norton Art, All rights reserved.