
Original Oil Painting on Canvas

By Helen Norton

122 x 92 cm

2000 Bye Bye Sunfly


The Prison


All my life I wanted to capture

The freedom that floats you

And surrounds you in rapture


I got you now, you illusive beast

Locked  you up in sticks

And sharpened my knife for feast


Sit here I do and ponder your surrender

But you purr and break thee not

While I fret for you to be my vendor


Sit you do in perfect peace

Trust you do in fate deliver

Know you do of your release


Bars I built to make you pine

Have no value

In your world of Strine


Sit I do for many days

And feel my prison

Comes in many ways


I have no key to your restraint

I’m suffering out here

From my own manifest of hate


Sand and wind scratch my surface

That has a veneer

But no real purpose


Weather blows around your soul

And smoothes you down

Adding to the depth of you as whole


Helen Norton 2000