Return of the Grail

Original Oil Painting on Belgian Linen


By Helen Norton

150 x 120 cm

1999 Second Test

A portrayal of co-operation and understanding, of the melding of vision and goal.  We all want to be of a world much more peaceful and fair than it is.  Focus on this is very important.  The celebration of commonality.  As the old saying goes “Concentrate on working on what you agree on”, build this relationship strong and the other grievances become so much easier to iron out.  Positive first, negative lines up behind quite easily into positives as well.


 You find yourself in the afternoon

You pass the passage of rite

You become the collected wisdom

You arrive as the sitter on the throne

You become the wise

You remove your own disguise

You have that to share

For the travelers behind you

We are moving quickly,

Our tools are sharp

We save time

And will find the grail

The secret is---

It belongs to no ONE

Not to one man

The problem

One seeking power

Thought it was his alone

I must admit

When you come to the afternoon

You do think yourself

Privileged indeed

And it would be easy to fall

Into the fate of the ego

Should the wisdom be grasped

By the lower evolved

At lesser stage of soul

This is what happened

Beautiful, hurting, bleating sheep

The evolved souls wrote the scripture

Of wisdom for the consumption of all

For preview of their heaven on earth

To come in the afternoon

The ones less evolved grasped the book

And used it for power, for magic

Not understanding the power of faith

Being a thing of love, not hate.

The power has mind of its own

As it crushes the child ego with its weight

The evil force is none other than thyself

Ego.  Underdeveloped and naive`

As it battles with the afternoon light.

 Norton ‘99