The Enemy at Practice
Sold Out
Original Oil Painting on Belgian Linen
By Helen Norton
120 x 150 cm
1999 Second Test
Deep in the protected caverns of the black suited men, rumblings of threat to their exclusive rule are felt. They set about the task of attempting to prepare themselves for the “Test” to come, where they will have to be accountable for the directions taken and for their very reptilian policies of instant gratification, including such atrocities as feeding the lambs low nutrition meals and comfort that in the long run would lead to the weakening of their constitution mentally and physically. Making them even more dependent on the system for medical assistance and leadership.
The men of the surface
From the surface they come
The white men not of the sun
Live in cool boxes with education
To the showers of cleansing they hasten
He trusts no man on his word
He gives none that deserves to be heard
White collar that floods with contempt
An honor as a degree is not what we meant
Unlike the man with his feet on the ground
Who still feels blood stir him like hound
He does smell the shit where it lands
And stays in the place where he stands.